FB Accounts | The accounts were registered in 2007-2014. Activated 2 Business Manager (BM age 24 months). The daily limit of advertising campaign $250. Marketplace activated, can be used for advertising. Verified by e-mail, there is no email in the set. Sex can be both male and female. 2FA in the set. Accounts are registered in IP addresses of Algeria.
- Facebook accounts are registered automatically.
- Activated 2 Business Manager (BM age 24 months)., can be used for advertising. In the payment settings, the currency corresponds to the country of registration.
- The daily limit of advertising campaign $250.
- The marketplace is activated.
- The accounts were registered in 2007-2014. The exact date of registration can be found in the account settings - the "Action Log".
- Verified by e-mail, there is no email in the set.
- Registered with Algeria IP.
- The name and surname in the account can be anything, i.e. differ from country of registration.
- Sex can be both male and female.
- The account profiles may be empty or have limited entries such as photos and other information.
- Before using the account, upload your photos to the account. This can help in the restoration of the account in case of self-identification.
- The majority of Business Managers immediately have 250 USD limit;
It can be 50 USD ad campaign limit when you create it. But the limit can be increased to 250 USD in 2-3 days.
If you remove the administrator on whom the BM was created, the limit will be reduced to $50.
Accounts data format. The data format is specified to facilitate reading the received details and may differ slightly. It does not affect an account’s health
- login from facebook:password from facebook:date of birth:country:1 BM ID:2 BM ID:account ID:2fa OR
- login:password:country:BM ID:account ID:2fa
Recommendations for purchase.
- First, buy a few accounts (up to 10) and check them
- Recommendations for using accounts: recommendations
- With which services you can work with accounts: a selection