Telegram Accounts | The channel has about 100 000+ followers. (Followers are delivered through mutual followers and bots). The accounts are registered in 2022. Accounts are registered in IP addresses of different countries. For portable version. Link to the channel:
- The Telegram accounts are registered automatically.
- The accounts are registered in 2022.
- Channel has about 100 000+ followers. (Followers are delivered through mutual followers and bots).
- Accounts are registered in IP addresses of different countries.
- Link to the channel:
Important: for the operation of accounts you need a portable version of Telegram (PC version).
User guide for portable-version:
1. Download the Portable version of Telegram:
2. Unpack the folder with the Telegram application, unpack the tdata folder to the folder with the Telegram.exe file and run Telegram.exe
For re-binding
3. In the right pull-down menu, select "Settings" -> "Edit Profile" -> In the line "Phone Number \" enter a new number (yours), confirm by SMS, and now the channel is assigned to a new number.
Accounts data format. The data format is specified to facilitate reading the received details and may differ slightly. It does not affect an account’s health
After payment you receive a link to download the file with the data to enter
Recommendations for purchase.
- First buy a small number of accounts (up to 10) and check them
- Recommendations for using accounts: recommendations
- With which services you can work with accounts: a selection